
Visual Studio とか C# とかが好きです

winget の気になるソフト

先日 winget でインストールできるもの一覧を出したのですが、6,000 件を超えていて見切れません......。


Sushi                                                 tp7.Sushi               0.5.1          winget

IP Messenger for Win                                  FastCopy.IPMsg          5.6.2          winget


Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS                                    9PN20MSR04DW            Unknown        msstore
Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS                                    9MTTCL66CPXJ            Unknown        msstore
Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS                                    9PNKSF5ZN4SW            Unknown        msstore
Zoom                                                  Zoom.Zoom         winget
YouTube Music Desktop App                             Ytmdesktop.Ytmdesktop   2.0.0          winget
WinSCP RC                                             WinSCP.WinSCP.RC        5.18.5-        winget
WinSCP                                                WinSCP.WinSCP           6.3.2          winget
WinMerge                                              WinMerge.WinMerge       2.16.38        winget
Unity Hub                                             Unity.UnityHub          3.7.0          winget
Unity 2023                                            Unity.Unity.2023        2023.2.18f1    winget
Unity 2022                                            Unity.Unity.2022        2022.3.24f1    winget
Unity 2021                                            Unity.Unity.2021        2021.3.37f1    winget
Unity                                                 Unity.Unity.2020        2020.3.48f1    winget
Sushi                                                 tp7.Sushi               0.5.1          winget
Ruby 3.2 with MSYS2                                   RubyInstallerTeam.Ruby 3.2.2-1        winget
Ruby 3.1 with MSYS2                                   RubyInstallerTeam.Ruby 3.1.2-1        winget
Ruby 3.0 with MSYS2                                   RubyInstallerTeam.Ruby 3.0.4-1        winget
Ruby 2.7 with MSYS2                                   RubyInstallerTeam.Ruby 2.7.6-1        winget
Ruby 2.6 with MSYS2                                   RubyInstallerTeam.Ruby 2.6.10-1       winget
Ruby 3.2                                              RubyInstallerTeam.Ruby 3.2.1-1        winget
Ruby 3.1                                              RubyInstallerTeam.Ruby 3.1.2-1        winget
Ruby 3.0                                              RubyInstallerTeam.Ruby 3.0.4-1        winget
Ruby 2.7                                              RubyInstallerTeam.Ruby 2.7.6-1        winget
Ruby 2.6                                              RubyInstallerTeam.Ruby 2.6.10-1       winget
R for Windows                                         RProject.R              4.3.3          winget
Python 3.9                                            Python.Python.3.9       3.9.13         winget
Python 3.8                                            Python.Python.3.8       3.8.10         winget
Python 3.7                                            Python.Python.3.7       3.7.9          winget
Python 3.6                                            Python.Python.3.6       3.6.8          winget
Python 3.5                                            Python.Python.3.5       3.5.4          winget
Python 3.4                                            Python.Python.3.4       3.4.4          winget
Python 3.3                                            Python.Python.3.3       3.3.5          winget
Python 3.2                                            Python.Python.3.2       3.2.5          winget
Python 3.13.0a5                                       Python.Python.3.13      3.13.0a5       winget
Python 3.12                                           Python.Python.3.12      3.12.3         winget
Python 3.11                                           Python.Python.3.11      3.11.9         winget
Python 3.10                                           Python.Python.3.10      3.10.11        winget
Python 3.1                                            Python.Python.3.1       3.1.4          winget
Python 3.0                                            Python.Python.3.0       3.0.1          winget
Python 2                                              Python.Python.2         2.7.18150      winget
Python Launcher                                       Python.Launcher         3.12.0         winget
Java SE Development Kit 21                            Oracle.JDK.21           21.0.2         winget
Java(TM) SE Development Kit                           Oracle.JDK.20        winget
Java SE Development Kit 18                            Oracle.JDK.18        winget
Java SE Development Kit 17                            Oracle.JDK.17       winget
Java 8                                                Oracle.JavaRuntimeEnvi 8.0.4010.10    winget
Node.js LTS                                           OpenJS.NodeJS.LTS       20.12.2        winget
Node.js                                               OpenJS.NodeJS           21.7.3         winget
ojdkbuild OpenJDK JRE 17                              ojdkbuild.openjdk.17.j 17.0030.6.1    winget
ojdkbuild OpenJDK 17                                  ojdkbuild.openjdk.17.j 17.0030.6.1    winget
OpenJDK 14                                            ojdkbuild.openjdk.14.j       winget
OpenJDK 13                                            ojdkbuild.openjdk.13.j       winget
OpenJDK JRE 11                                        ojdkbuild.openjdk.11.j      winget
OpenJDK 11                                            ojdkbuild.openjdk.11.j      winget
ojdkbuild OpenJDK                                     ojdkbuild.ojdkbuild     1.8.3321.9     winget
MS Paint IDE                                          MSPaintIDE.MSPaintIDE   3.0.0          winget
Windows Terminal Preview                              Microsoft.WindowsTermi 1.20.10822.0   winget
Windows Terminal                                      Microsoft.WindowsTermi 1.19.10821.0   winget
Windows Software Development Kit - Windows 10.0.2262 Microsoft.WindowsSDK.1 10.1.22621.24 winget
Windows Software Development Kit                      Microsoft.WindowsSDK.1 10.0.22000.832 winget
Windows Software Development Kit                      Microsoft.WindowsSDK.1 10.1.20348.1   winget
Windows Software Development Kit                      Microsoft.WindowsSDK.1 10.0.19041.685 winget
Windows SDK                                           Microsoft.WindowsSDK.1 10.0.18362.0   winget
Windows PC Health Check                               Microsoft.WindowsPCHea 3.7.2204.15001 winget
Windows Journal                                       Microsoft.WindowsJourn     winget
Windows 11 Installation Assistant                     Microsoft.WindowsInsta 1.4.19041.1610 winget
Windows App Runtime                                   Microsoft.WindowsAppRu 1.4.5          winget
Windows App Runtime                                   Microsoft.WindowsAppRu 1.3.3          winget
Windows App SDK                                       Microsoft.WindowsAppRu 1.2.2          winget
Windows App SDK                                       Microsoft.WindowsAppRu 1.1.5          winget
Windows App SDK                                       Microsoft.WindowsAppRu 1.0.4          winget
Windows Application Driver                            Microsoft.WindowsAppli        winget
Windows Admin Center                                  Microsoft.WindowsAdmin 1.5.19713.0    winget
Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit                 Microsoft.WindowsADK    10.1.22621.1   winget
Microsoft Web Platform Installer                      Microsoft.webpicmd      5.1.51515.0    winget
Microsoft Web Deploy                                  Microsoft.WebDeploy     10.0.1973      winget
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime Microsoft.VSTOR         10.0.60917     winget
VSIX Bootstrapper                                     Microsoft.VSIXBootstra 1.0.37         winget
vott                                                  Microsoft.vott          2.2.0          winget
Microsoft Visual Studio Code Insiders CLI             Microsoft.VisualStudio 1.89.0         winget
Microsoft Visual Studio Code Insiders                 Microsoft.VisualStudio 1.89.0         winget
Microsoft Visual Studio Code CLI                      Microsoft.VisualStudio 1.88.1         winget
Microsoft Visual Studio Code                          Microsoft.VisualStudio 1.88.1         winget
Visual Studio Locator                                 Microsoft.VisualStudio 3.1.7          winget
Visual Studio Configuration Finder                    Microsoft.VisualStudio   winget
Visual Studio Professional 2022 Preview               Microsoft.VisualStudio 17.9.0         winget
Visual Studio Professional 2022                       Microsoft.VisualStudio 17.9.6         winget
Visual Studio Enterprise 2022 Preview                 Microsoft.VisualStudio 17.9.0         winget
Visual Studio Enterprise 2022                         Microsoft.VisualStudio 17.9.6         winget
Visual Studio Community 2022 Preview                  Microsoft.VisualStudio 17.9.0         winget
Visual Studio Community 2022                          Microsoft.VisualStudio 17.9.1         winget
Visual Studio BuildTools 2022                         Microsoft.VisualStudio 17.9.6         winget
Visual Studio Professional 2019                       Microsoft.VisualStudio 16.11.35       winget
Visual Studio Enterprise 2019                         Microsoft.VisualStudio 16.11.35       winget
Visual Studio BuildTools 2019                         Microsoft.VisualStudio 16.11.35       winget
Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 Redistributable (Arm64)     Microsoft.VCRedist.202 14.34.31823.3  winget
Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 Redistributable (Arm64)     Microsoft.VCRedist.201 14.29.30139.0  winget
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (x86)  Microsoft.VCRedist.201 14.38.33135.0  winget
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (x64)  Microsoft.VCRedist.201 14.38.33135.0  winget
Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x86)       Microsoft.VCRedist.201 12.0.40664.0   winget
Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable (x64)       Microsoft.VCRedist.201 12.0.40664.0   winget
Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable (x86)       Microsoft.VCRedist.201 11.0.61030.0   winget
Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable (x64)       Microsoft.VCRedist.201 11.0.61030.0   winget
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x86 Redistributable         Microsoft.VCRedist.201 10.0.40219     winget
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Redistributable         Microsoft.VCRedist.201 10.0.40219     winget
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86       Microsoft.VCRedist.200 9.0.30729.6161 winget
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x64       Microsoft.VCRedist.200 9.0.30729.6161 winget
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable             Microsoft.VCRedist.200 8.0.61001      winget
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable (x64)       Microsoft.VCRedist.200 8.0.61000      winget
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 UWP Desktop Runtime Package Microsoft.VCLibs.Deskt 14.0.33321.0   winget
Windows 10 Update Assistant                           Microsoft.UpdateAssist 1.4.19041.1555 winget
Microsoft.UI.Xaml                                     Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.8   8.2310.30001.0 winget
Microsoft.UI.Xaml                                     Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.7   7.2208.15002.0 winget
Microsoft Teams Preview                               Microsoft.Teams.Preview   winget
Microsoft Teams Exploration                           Microsoft.Teams.Explor   winget
Microsoft Teams Continuous Deployment                 Microsoft.Teams.Contin   winget
Microsoft Teams classic                               Microsoft.Teams.Classic    winget
Microsoft Teams                                       Microsoft.Teams         24060.2623.27 winget
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio                Microsoft.SQLServerMan 20.1           winget
Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Express                     Microsoft.SQLServer.20 16.0.1000.6    winget
Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Developer                   Microsoft.SQLServer.20 16.0.1000.6    winget
Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Express                     Microsoft.SQLServer.20 15.2204.5490.2 winget
Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Developer                   Microsoft.SQLServer.20 15.2204.5490.2 winget
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Express                     Microsoft.SQLServer.20 14.0.1000.169  winget
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Developer                   Microsoft.SQLServer.20 14.0.1000.169  winget
PowerToys (Preview)                                   Microsoft.PowerToys     0.80.1         winget
PowerShell Preview                                    Microsoft.PowerShell.P        winget
PowerShell                                            Microsoft.PowerShell        winget
Microsoft PowerBI Desktop                             Microsoft.PowerBI       2.128.952.0    winget
Microsoft PowerApps CLI                               Microsoft.PowerAppsCLI  1.0            winget
Microsoft Build of OpenJDK with Hotspot 21            Microsoft.OpenJDK.21      winget
Microsoft Build of OpenJDK with Hotspot 17            Microsoft.OpenJDK.17      winget
Microsoft Build of OpenJDK with Hotspot 16            Microsoft.OpenJDK.16       winget
Microsoft Build of OpenJDK with Hotspot 11            Microsoft.OpenJDK.11      winget
Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise                     Microsoft.Office        16.0.17531.20 winget
NuGet                                                 Microsoft.NuGet         6.9.1          winget
IronPython 3                                          Microsoft.IronPython.3     winget
IronPython 2                                          Microsoft.IronPython.2    winget
Microsoft Git                                         Microsoft.Git      winget
Microsoft .NET Core SDK Uninstall Tool (x86)          Microsoft.DotNet.Unins 4.96.657       winget
Microsoft .NET SDK 9.0 Preview                        Microsoft.DotNet.SDK.P 9.0.100-previ winget
Microsoft .NET SDK 8.0                                Microsoft.DotNet.SDK.8  8.0.204        winget
Microsoft .NET SDK 7.0                                Microsoft.DotNet.SDK.7  7.0.408        winget
Microsoft .NET SDK 6.0                                Microsoft.DotNet.SDK.6  6.0.421        winget
Microsoft .NET SDK 5.0                                Microsoft.DotNet.SDK.5  5.0.408        winget
Microsoft .NET SDK 3.1                                Microsoft.DotNet.SDK.3 3.1.426        winget
Microsoft .NET Runtime 9.0 Preview                    Microsoft.DotNet.Runti 9.0.0-preview winget
Microsoft .NET Runtime 8.0                            Microsoft.DotNet.Runti 8.0.4          winget
Microsoft .NET Runtime 7.0                            Microsoft.DotNet.Runti 7.0.18         winget
Microsoft .NET Runtime 6.0                            Microsoft.DotNet.Runti 6.0.29         winget
Microsoft .NET Runtime 5.0                            Microsoft.DotNet.Runti 5.0.17         winget
Microsoft .NET Runtime 3.1                            Microsoft.DotNet.Runti 3.1.32         winget
Microsoft ASP.NET Core Hosting Bundle 9.0 Preview     Microsoft.DotNet.Hosti 9.0.0-preview winget
Microsoft ASP.NET Core Hosting Bundle 8.0             Microsoft.DotNet.Hosti 8.0.4          winget
Microsoft ASP.NET Core Hosting Bundle 7.0             Microsoft.DotNet.Hosti 7.0.18         winget
Microsoft ASP.NET Core Hosting Bundle 6.0             Microsoft.DotNet.Hosti 6.0.29         winget
Microsoft ASP.NET Core Hosting Bundle 5.0             Microsoft.DotNet.Hosti 5.0.17         winget
Microsoft ASP.NET Core Hosting Bundle 3.1             Microsoft.DotNet.Hosti 3.1.32         winget
.NET Framework                                        Microsoft.DotNet.Frame 4.8.1          winget
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.1 Developer Pack (KB286 Microsoft.DotNet.Frame 4.5.2          winget
Microsoft .NET Windows Desktop Runtime 9.0 Preview    Microsoft.DotNet.Deskt 9.0.0-preview winget
Microsoft .NET Windows Desktop Runtime 8.0            Microsoft.DotNet.Deskt 8.0.4          winget
Microsoft .NET Windows Desktop Runtime 7.0            Microsoft.DotNet.Deskt 7.0.18         winget
Microsoft .NET Windows Desktop Runtime 6.0            Microsoft.DotNet.Deskt 6.0.29         winget
Microsoft .NET Windows Desktop Runtime 5.0            Microsoft.DotNet.Deskt 5.0.17         winget
Microsoft .NET Windows Desktop Runtime 3.1            Microsoft.DotNet.Deskt 3.1.32         winget
Microsoft ASP.NET Core Runtime 9.0 Preview            Microsoft.DotNet.AspNe 9.0.0-preview winget
Microsoft ASP.NET Core Runtime 8.0                    Microsoft.DotNet.AspNe 8.0.4          winget
Microsoft ASP.NET Core Runtime 7.0                    Microsoft.DotNet.AspNe 7.0.18         winget
Microsoft ASP.NET Core Runtime 6.0                    Microsoft.DotNet.AspNe 6.0.29         winget
Microsoft ASP.NET Core Runtime 5.0                    Microsoft.DotNet.AspNe 5.0.17         winget
Microsoft ASP.NET Core Runtime 3.1                    Microsoft.DotNet.AspNe 3.1.32         winget
devtunnel                                             Microsoft.devtunnel     1.0.1249+67b1 winget
Dev Home (Preview)                                    Microsoft.DevHome       0.1201.442.0   winget
Microsoft Deployment Toolkit                          Microsoft.DeploymentTo 6.3.8456.1000  winget
Microsoft Azure CLI                                   Microsoft.AzureCLI      2.59.0         winget
Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer                      Microsoft.Azure.Storag 1.33.1         winget
Microsoft Azure Storage Emulator                      Microsoft.Azure.Storag 5.10.19227.21 winget
Microsoft Azure Quick Review                          Microsoft.Azure.QuickR 0.52.0         winget
Microsoft Azure Kubelogin                             Microsoft.Azure.Kubelo 0.1.0          winget
Azure Functions Core Tools                            Microsoft.Azure.Functi 4.0.5611       winget
Azure Data CLI                                        Microsoft.Azure.DataCLI 20.3.14        winget
Azure Cosmos DB Emulator                              Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos 2.14.16        winget
Azure Developer CLI                                   Microsoft.Azd           1.8.100        winget
LINQPad 8                                             LINQPad.LINQPad.8       8.2.4          winget
LINQPad 7                                             LINQPad.LINQPad.7       7.8.10         winget
LINQPad 6                                             LINQPad.LINQPad.6       6.15.12        winget
LINQPad 5                                             LINQPad.LINQPad.5       5.48.0         winget
JetBrains Rider (EAP)                                 JetBrains.Rider.EAP     241.14494.107  winget
JetBrains Rider                                       JetBrains.Rider         2024.1         winget
JetBrains ReSharper (EAP)                             JetBrains.ReSharper.EAP 2021.2 EAP 8   winget
JetBrains ReSharper                                   JetBrains.ReSharper     2024.1         winget
IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition (EAP)                  JetBrains.IntelliJIDEA 241.15989.21   winget
IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition                        JetBrains.IntelliJIDEA 2024.1         winget
IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition (EAP)                 JetBrains.IntelliJIDEA 241.15989.21   winget
IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition                       JetBrains.IntelliJIDEA 2024.1         winget
JetBrains Hub                                         JetBrains.Hub           2023.1.16990   winget
FFmpeg (Shared)                                       Gyan.FFmpeg.Shared      7.0            winget
FFmpeg (Essentials Build)                             Gyan.FFmpeg.Essentials  7.0            winget
FFmpeg                                                Gyan.FFmpeg             7.0            winget
Android Studio Canary                                 Google.AndroidStudio.C 2023.3.1.9     winget
Android Studio Beta                                   Google.AndroidStudio.B 2023.1.1.25    winget
Android Studio                                        Google.AndroidStudio    2023.2.1.23    winget
Git LFS                                               GitHub.GitLFS           3.5.1          winget
GitHub Desktop Beta                                   GitHub.GitHubDesktop.B 3.1.3-beta3    winget
GitHub Desktop                                        GitHub.GitHubDesktop    3.3.13         winget
GitHub CLI                                            GitHub.cli              2.47.0         winget
Git Extensions                                        GitExtensionsTeam.GitE 4.2.1          winget
GitAhead                                              GitAhead.GitAhead       2.7.1          winget
Git for Windows SDK                                   Git.SDK                 1.0.8          winget
MinGit                                                Git.MinGit              2.41.0         winget
Git                                                   Git.Git                 2.44.0         winget
GIMP Nightly                                          GIMP.GIMP.Nightly       2.99.18        winget
GIMP                                                  GIMP.GIMP               2.10.36        winget
IP Messenger for Win                                  FastCopy.IPMsg          5.6.2          winget
Docker Desktop Edge                                   Docker.DockerDesktopEd    winget
Docker Desktop                                        Docker.DockerDesktop    4.29.0         winget
Docker Compose                                        Docker.DockerCompose    2.23.3         winget
Docker CLI                                            Docker.DockerCLI        24.0.7         winget
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS                                      Canonical.Ubuntu.2204   2204.1.7.0     winget
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS                                      Canonical.Ubuntu.2004   2004.2021.825 winget
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS                                      Canonical.Ubuntu.1804   1804.2019.522 winget
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS                                      Canonical.Ubuntu.1604   1604.2019.523 winget
hub                                                   GitHub.hub              2.14.2         winget
Power Automate for desktop                            Microsoft.PowerAutomat 2.42.317.24061 winget
Dev Proxy                                             Microsoft.DevProxy      0.16.2         winget
Google Chrome Beta (EXE)                              Google.Chrome.Beta.EXE  124.0.6367.60  winget
Google Chrome Beta                                    Google.Chrome.Beta      124.0.6367.60  winget
Google Chrome                                         Google.Chrome           124.0.6367.61  winget